OCCO Friends

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of its creation, the Cascais and Oeiras Chamber Orchestra decided to create the “Club of Friends of OCCO”.
There is a part of our audience that regularly attends our shows and follows all of OCCO's artistic and educational activities. We consider it opportune to establish an even greater connection with these people who have created a strong and permanent connection with OCCO and its musicians.
The Club of Friends of OCCO will have an ANNUAL Meeting with the members of the orchestra and a Concert for all members in the month of November of each year.
The FRIENDS of OCCO must contribute through their knowledge to the dissemination of the work carried out by OCCO.
The club has 3 membership categories:
GOLD Member
PREMIUM Member (10 vacancies)
• You are entitled to:
- Seat guaranteed in all OCCO shows during the year
- Secured place in 4 shows of the CASCAIS SYMPHONIC Project
- Seat assured in all recitals by OCCO soloists or recitals “OCCO invites”
- Free admission to the Orchestra's general rehearsal
- 1 CD per year with autographs by OCCO musicians
- 1 DVD of one of the concerts held during the season
- The Book 20 YEARS OCCO (presented in 2019)
- 2 proposals for chamber music works you would like to hear during the season
- 50% discount on the cost of registration at the Cascais Music Conservatory (music and dance classes) for a family member (child or grandchild)
GOLD Member (10 vacancies)
• Entitled to:
- Secured place in 12 OCCO shows during the year
- Secured place in 4 shows of the CASCAIS SYMPHONIC Project
- Secured place in 10 recitals by OCCO soloists or recitals “The OCCO invites”
- Free admission to the Orchestra's general rehearsal
- 1 CD per year with autographs by OCCO musicians
- The Book 20 YEARS OCCO (presented in 2019)
- 50% discount on the cost of registration at the Cascais Music Conservatory (music and dance classes) for a family member (child or grandchild)
SILVER Member (20 vacancies)
• Entitled to:
- Secured place in 8 OCCO shows during the year
- Secured place in 2 shows of the CASCAIS SYMPHONIC Project
- Secured place in 8 recitals by OCCO soloists or recitals “A OCCO Convida”
- Free admission to the Orchestra's General Rehearsal
- 1 CD per year with autographs by OCCO musicians
Those interested in joining the CLUB OF FRIENDS OF OCCO should call the Orchestra and leave their contact and indication at which level of membership they would like to join. They will receive the indication of the OCCO NIB and the supplementary information.
Upon presentation of proof of payment of the fee, the person becomes an OCCO FRIEND with all privileges.
For Gold and Silver Members and to secure a place for the chosen shows, it is necessary to inform the OCCO Secretariat two weeks before the day of the show.
Due to the limit on the number of vacancies, Club Members are considered in the order in which payment is received, and their card number will be immediately communicated.
When we reach the limit, those interested can also request a change of modality if there are vacancies in the other card modalities, awaiting, in this case, a decision from the Board of OCCO.
For more information: orquestra@occo.pt
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